Categoria: Innovazione
Wake on Wan with DSL-2740B
Using wake on lan is quite simple, trying to use it from internet requires some extra attention.When you use WOL you send a broadcast packet to your modem/router and the modem /router propagates this broadcast packet to all Ethernet connected devices. To send a WOL packet from internet been sure this packet arrives to your…
Twitter e Wordperfect
Adoro Wordperfect, se ripenso ai tempi di phpnuke…arghhhh. Ho appena installato il plugin per twitter, vediamo se funziona.
Enable/disable jounal on running ext root partition
Some times ago, trying to reach better performances on my SDD, I followed the wrong suggestion to disable the journal. This solution isn’t really good because I had some data loss and at almost each reboot the system got in fsck. Yesterday I decided to go back and restore the journal. Each guide I found…
Zoneminder bug
It’s quite some time that I use zoneminder and in my syslog i find this error message: htpc zmwatch[5453]: ERR [Shared data size conflict in shared_data for monitor TV-Sala, expected 328, got 316] Googling arround I found this solution, seems to be working: